Gabi Nagy


Written by Tanya Quintieri

28. January 2020

Mastering Your Finances

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 11:30 (Central European Time)

As part of the presentation, Gabi will go through the various steps necessary to master your finances as a freelancer by discussing and giving tips on:

  • the assessment of your current status,
  • appropriate goal setting,
  • taking stock of your current personal, business expenses and income,
  • definition of goals to be achieved in 3 months, 1 year, 5-10 years, 25 years,
  • tracking tools and their advantages, disadvantages (both time and money),
  • regular assessment – how to do it,
  • action plan for reaching and tracking financial goals (short-, mid- and long-term),
  • and: where to ask for help?


  • Receive a starting kit to start ruling over your finances, especially if you have found it rather intimidating or felt incompetent in the past.
  • Understand your personality-type related preferences and exploit them for your own benefit.
  • Get exposure to possible solutions and pick the one you prefer.
  • Receive a boost for the management of your finances – it’s not rocket science, after all!

About Gabi

TMS-Speaker-Gaby-NagyGabriella (Gabi) Nagy is an active freelance professional in the Hungarian freelance interpreting, translation and proofreading scene. She loves protocol and diplomatic interpreting and she enjoys being specialised in business, legal and financial translations.

She uses her vibrant personality and expertise not only to provide an excellent service to her direct clients all over the world (with the A:HU B:EN C:IT language combination), but she also mentors young talents, believes in sharing her best practices with other industry actors, and is actively involved in CPD. She uses her energy to help uplift and encourage other professionals and future colleagues.

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Written by <a href="" target="_blank">Tanya Quintieri</a>

Written by Tanya Quintieri

Tanya is the CPD Coordinator at the Translation Mastermind. The German-English translator and web designer is based in the Czech Republic. Voted Mentor of the Year in 2017 by the Community, she is passionate about CPD, whether it takes place online or at in-person events. You can contact her by email: [email protected].

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