Virginia Katsimpiri

Written by Tanya Quintieri

8. January 2020

How to find jobs and clients on LinkedIn: LinkedIn Search Button Tips & Tricks

Monday, February 3, 2020 at 16:00 (Central European Time)

This is going to be a 45-minute hands-on training during which you will watch the trainer live implementing all related techniques, tips and tricks on her LinkedIn profile.

You will have the chance to implement the tips suggested by the trainer on your LinkedIn profile simultaneously and you will start seeing the results right away.

You are going to learn several ways of using LinkedIn’s search button in order to find your target clients, referrals, and/or translation jobs posted online on LinkedIn.

Are you ready to take advantage one of the most powerful social media platform when it comes to client acquisition? Then, this training is for you! Those who have attended in the past simply loved it!

Also, you will have the chance to ask any related questions and receive answers live during the session.


Also, if there is any time left, we will also learn about 3 different ways to find clients on Proz you might haven’t thought of trying yet.

About Virginia

TMSummit-Speaker-Virginia-KatsimpiriVirginia Katsimpiri is an English and French to Greek Certified Translator, with more than 12 years of full-time translation experience in the following fields: law, finance & aeronautics/defence industry. She holds an ΜA in Translation & an Executive MBA.

As a certified translator and coach, Virginia teaches and practices translator mentoring methods. For her MBA dissertation, Virginia ran a qualitative research study on “Client Acquisition Strategies for Language Professionals”, while she helps other translators to attract clients and build their profitable business. | [email protected] | LinkedIn


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Written by <a href="" target="_blank">Tanya Quintieri</a>

Written by Tanya Quintieri

Tanya is the CPD Coordinator at the Translation Mastermind. The German-English translator and web designer is based in the Czech Republic. Voted Mentor of the Year in 2017 by the Community, she is passionate about CPD, whether it takes place online or at in-person events. You can contact her by email: [email protected].

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